Floss and Fabric Clubs

NEW FLOSS CLUBS ARE LAUNCHING ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2025 AT 5PM EST! See the below descriptions for more details:

The first club will be similar to our current club set up in that you will receive new colours every month. However, each colour will be limited edition or one-of-a-kind. There will only be one option for this club and it will include 7 skeins of floss. This club will contain a mix of traditional and contemporary colours. All colours will be usable – we will not include anything overtly wild and crazy.

The second club is going to be “Roxy Floss Co's ABCs”. In this club you will receive existing Roxy Floss Co colours from the core collection. This means all colours you receive are reliably stocked and repeatable colours. Flosses in this club will be sent in alphabetical order. The intention of this club is to allow you to build a full “official” Roxy Floss Co collection over several months.